grading syllabus

Green Tag – Promotion to Green Belt

Fundamental Exercises

  • Pattern (Tul): Do-San (24 moves)

    See Do-San on YouTube


  • The Green Belt signifies the plant’s growth as Taekwondo skills begin to develop.

  • Do-San is the pseudonym of the patriot Ahn Chang-Ho (1876-1938).

  • The 24 movements represent his entire life, which he devoted to the education of Korea and its independence movement.  




  • Walking Stance Outer Forearm Block

  • Walking Stance High Wedging Block 


  • Walking Stance Straight Fingertip Thrust

  • Walking Stance High Backfist Strike

  • Sitting Stance Knifehand Strike


  • Downward Kick

  • Pick Shape Kick

  • Double Turning Kick

  • Flying Turning Kick

  • Side Piercing Kick (slow/measured)


  • Walking Stance High Outer Forearm Block – Reverse Punch

  • Walking Stance Straight Fingertip Thrust – Release

  • Walking Stance Front Kick – 2 x Punch (fast)

  • Front Kick – Turning Kick

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